Continuando la entrada
dedicada a la Propuesta de Reglamento europeo en materia de compraventa y la
construcción de un Derecho contractual europeo, me encuentro con la posición
expresada el pasado mes de septiembre por el CCBE (la Asociación que agrupa a
los Colegios de Abogados europeos), cuyas conclusiones pretenden una más amplia
delimitación del ámbito de aplicación del futuro Reglamento:
CCBE therefore urges the EU institutions to take into account the following
guidelines when considering the proposal for a CESL:
1. to adopt the proposed CESL as a useful
optional instrument not only for cross-border, but also – by amending Art.
1(2) CESL (Regulation) – for domestic transactions;
2. to optimise the practicability of the CESL by
trying to clarify general concepts such as ‘good faith and fair dealing’ and
‘reasonableness’ as far as possible, e.g. by issuing official comments and
standard contract terms for both b2c and b2b-transactions;
3. to enlarge the applicability of the CESL to any
and all businesses, regardless of their size;
4. to enlarge the applicability of the CESL with
regard to digital content over and above its present scope, and, in
particular, to create more clarity regarding Art. 70(2) CESL;
5. to include a reference to “legal principles” (vide Art. 80 CESL) as an
appropriate further benchmark for the unfairness test in Art. 86(1b) CESL;
to carefully review the terminology that
has been used throughout the proposal, as well as the different language
versions in order to avoid any inconsistencies and to optimise the
practicability of CESL”.
Madrid, 21 de
diciembre de 2012